Each day has a different guest & subject matter. All times are eastern (ET)
These are the guests for the shows from September 28th through October 1st. Website links are included for each guest. Show times are also listed.
Thursday 9/28 7pm-8pm ***This is our new Fall time, leading into NFL game.
Matt Lindler - NWTF magazine editor SITE
Saturday 9/30 5-7am ET
Bob Whitwam - Pt. Mouilee Waterfowl Festival (wrap)
Jon Strawsburg - Dayton DU banquet (wrap)
Sunday show #624 on 10/1 5-7am
Mark Brumbaugh - Cabela's Nat'l Walleye Tour
Outdoorsman - Grand Lake tackle shop
Whit Fosburgh - TRCP
Forrest L. Wood - Founder of Ranger Boats SITE
Midwest Outdoors TV - Boundary Waters
Gabe Jenkins from Kentucky Dept of Fish & Wildlife, talking Elk hunting SITE
Propolis Projects - Local group helping Pollinators SITE