Todd Haines - District 5 supervisor 5/26
Jim Morris - Local outdoor writer w/ area Fishing Reports 5/27
No Show Sunday, Dragons on eve of Mem. Day
Jim Morris - Local outdoor writer w/ area Fishing Reports 5/18
Todd Haines - District 5 supervisor 5/20
6:20pm Brooke Black - Bonefish & Tarpon Trust SITE show #606 on 5/21
7pm Steve Heiting - managing editor, Musky Hunter magazine SITE
8pm Tag Nobbe - Brookville Lake, Indiana SITE
8:40pm Brian Johnson - FLW Top 5 from Mississippi River
Jon Fugate - Angler's Bait & Tackle, Englewood SITE 5/11
Guy Tibbels - Tibbels Marina, Lake Erie SITE 5/13
Marty Lundquist - District 1 (Cols, Indian Lake) biologist show #605 on 5/14
Scott Conner - local riverman
Mike Arnold - Harsha Lake store PAGE
Denise Jaeger - West Chester Cast 4 Kids 5/21 SITE
Mike Walters - Crappie 5/4
Mark Brumbaugh - Walleye PAGE 5/6
6:20p Mark Wiley - ODNR Turkey biologist show #604 on 5/7
7p Pete Ziehler - NAPRA Pro Wading circuit SITE
8p Johnny McCombs FLW $100K winner at Beaver Lake last weekend
Tim Poe - creator of Thunder Lures, but also a Rabbit & Quail hunter SITE 4/27
Mike Teach - Local riverman & Quetico/Boundary waters guide 4/29
Mark Kluding - Mountain View PAGE Spring Bear hunts in Ontario show #603 on 4/30
Paul Pacholski - President of Lake Erie Charter Boat Assoc., Trump budget decrease SITE
Bob Fulcher - Grand Champ caller. NWTF, and lives in Huber Hts SITE
FLW top 5 from Beaver lake
Dan Compton - Federal Premium. Turkey loads SITE 4/20
Caleb Sutton - Worldwide Turkey Trips SITE 4/22
6:20pm Greg Keeton - on the Board of Directors for OH State Chapter of Nwtf SITE & SITE show #602 on 4/23
7 Pete Muller - National NWTF SITE
8 Bill Epeards - Turkey World Slam archer from Warren County SITE
Barry Wilson - FLW 2nd place at Cumberland last week 4/13
Todd Haines 4/15
Jim Morris
Show #601 ***We will have a Best-of show on Easter evening. Guests include:
Scott Conner who was on 3/25
Dave Kohler - Division of Wildlife from 3/30
Jon Strawsburg of Dayton Ducks Unlimited & Matt Parker of Reel Fly Rod from last week 4/8 SITE
Marty Lundquist - District 1 Fish state guy - Indian Lake Saugeye 4/6
Chad Smith - State Park report
Matt Parker - Reel Fly Rod SITE 4/8
Jon Strawsburg - Dayton Ducks Unlimited. He's also a Fly Fishing Fan
6:20 Marc Wiley - state guy for Turkey show #600 on 4/9
7p Rich Carter - Top state guy for OH in all things Fishing
8p Whit Fosberg - Teddy Roosevelt Conservation SITE
Brian Johnson - Instant Results from FLW event at Lake Cumberland
Dave Kohler - State of Ohio wildlife 3/30
Mike Arnold - Boar's Head Bait, Tackle & Deli at EastFork (Lake Harsha) PAGE 4/1
6:20 Tag Nobbe - Guide on Brookville Lake, Indiana SITE show #599 on 4/2
7p Susie Vance - Ohio's asst. chief of DOWildlife
8p Bradley Dortch - FLW winner at the Harris Chain of Lakes SITE
Steve Quinn - In Fisherman 3/26 (Only 1 guest due to March Madness)
Scott Conner - Local riverman SITE 3/25
No Show Due To March Madness on 3/23
Tony LaPratt - Deer & Turkey expo March 18th in Cols SITE
No show on Sunday 3/12 due to March Madness bball
Jake Steingraeber - Deer & Turkey Expo, Cols 3/11
Byron Ferguson - Archery Trick Shots SITE 3/9
Greg Keaton - NWTF state turkey calling championship & Nat'l convention wrap 3/5 #596
7pm Aaron Dynes from Dayton DU SITE
8pm Larry Mitchell - League of Ohio Sportsmen SITE
John Eberhart - speaker at the Deer & Turkey expo in Cols, Archery deer pressure SITE & SITE 3/4
Daniel Allard - winning artist whose design will be featured on the '18 Ohio Wetland/Duck Stamp SITE 3/2
Mike Brownfield - Deer & Turkey expo in Columbus 2/26 #595
Todd Haines at 7pm and Jim Morris at 7:30pm
Bryan Thrift - Finished in 2nd place at BOTH of the FLW tourneys so far this year
***More tickets to giveaway to the Deer & Turkey expo on this show!
Smokey McNicholas - Deer Lures and Trapping Coyotes SITE Will be at Deer&Turkey Xpo in Cols 2/25
Paul Pacholski - President of the Lake Erie Charter Boast Association 2/23
Mark Thomas - Forestry & Wildlife Integrations, at Deer & Turkey Expo next month in Cols SITE 2/19 #594
Gildo Tori - Ducks Unlimited, Great Lakes region
Doug McClain - DNR's recent Waterfowl biologist for Ohio
Brian Johnson - FLW fishing, Top 5 from 2nd tourney of '17 (next week we will start interviewing these winning fishers)
Kurt Heid - Deer butchering, Will be at Deer & Turkey expo in Cols next month SITE & SITE 2/18
Marty Lundquist - ODNR District 1 fisheries
Heather Shaw - Ruffed Grouse Society, new biologist for tri-state SITE 2/16
Jerry Weingart - Ohio Big Buck Club 2/12 Show #593
Mike Tonkovich - Ohio Deer Commander. NO one is more knowledgeable about our herd.
Mike Patterson - Ice
Marty Lundquist - District 1
Jerry Beach - Apache Bowhunters SITE 2/11
Tom Nauman - Morel Mania, at Deer&Turkey expo in Cols in March SITE
Brian Johnson - FLW Top 5 from 1st tourney HERE 2/9
Ben Morris - Cols Fishing Expo (on the eve of the expo beginning)
David Hoheisel - Creator of Cols Fishing Expo HERE
Jim Miller - Hunting Sheds w/Dogs. At Cols Deer&Turkey expo in March SITE & SITE 2/5 #592
Jared Wiklund - Pheasants Forever SITE 2/4
Steve Quinn - In Fisherman editor, Will be at Cols Fish Expo. Cold weather tactics SITE & SITE 2/2
Brian Johnson - FLW pro bass tournaments SITE 1/29 #591
Brian Flechsig - Mad River Outfitters SITE & SITE 1/28
Mark Wiley - ODNR upland 1/26
Jake Steingraeber - Executive Director, Field & Stream Outdoor Life Deer & Turkey Expo. The 1st of 6 events. Ohio is in March SITE 1/22 #592
Pat Gluszek - Bass University, Will be at Cols Fishing expo SITE & SITE 1/21
Tim Herald - Worldwide Trophy Adventures SITE 1/19
Mike Patterson - Ice Sportsfishing (Lake Erie) SITE
Tyler Wood - Moonshiners TV show. Will be at Lsvl D&Txpo SITE & SITE 1/15 #591
Charles Willoughby - Chickasaw Archery. Will be at Lsvl D&Txpo SITE & SITE 1/14
Whit Fosburgh - Theodore Roosevelt Conservation Trust SITE 1/12
Michael Bell - Kids Who Fish&Hunt, Don't Steal&Deal PAGE & PAGE
Scott Porter - Trophies of Grace @ Deer&TurkeyXpo Lsville SITE & SITE 1/8 #590
Dave Klein - Food Plots seminar @ Deer&Turkey Expo Louisville SITE & SITE 1/7
No show on 1/5 on account a ice storm