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Jason Smith: "Bill Belichick Dating 24-Year-Old Is WEIRD!"


Jason Smith and Mike Harmon explore former NFL Coach Bill Belichick's life in retirement and react to his reported new relationship with Jordan Hudson, a 24-year-old former competitive cheerleader from Bridgewater State University.

Jason Smith: "This story has gone from being weird and unsure how true it is, but now it’s just outright creepy. There is Ring doorbell footage of a shirtless Bill Belichick leaving Jordan Hudson's house in the early hours of the morning in the last few months. This is the latest development in the Bill Belichick, a 72-year-old man, dating 24-year-old Jordan Hudson."
Mike Harmon: "I watched the Ring doorbell video and thought, well, it takes confidence to get after that. And again, we all have our fashion choices: shirtless, non-shirtless, sleeves, no sleeves... If she’s happy and he’s happy, can’t we all use a little bit of happiness?"

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