Native American Youth Recovery PowWow - May 26-27

Native American Youth Recovery PowWow 

May 26-27

Come to Dayton’s McIntosh Park, located at the corner of Edwin C Moses Blvd and West Riverview Avenue to enjoy this cultural event  from sunup until 7p each day.  PowWow is FREE to the public, everyone welcome!

Featured singers/performers are Black Stone Singers, Black Lodge Singers, Bull Horn Singers and more!

This is to show how we can come together as one for peace.  Please no drugs, alcohol or violence.  This is a day for prayer and healing from our past.

Our veterans will also be honored for their bravery and courage. 

Come and enjoy a day of peace and healing. 

Pray for your People, Dance for the Creator, We are one with the Creator.

Featured singers/performers are Black Stone Singers, Black Lodge Singers, Bull Horn Singers and more!

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