Whitewater Valley Arts Assn Kicks off the New Year

The Whitewater Valley Arts Association will be kicking off 2018 with weekly gatherings, new classes, professional workshops, monthly art shows, museum tours and the biennial art auction. Open to everyone.

Monthly gatherings will include: Art Show Receptions, Art Talk, 1st Wednesday Documentary night, Fiber Arts Group, General Meeting, Mixed Media Group, Painter’s Studio, Quilters, and Woodcarver’s Studio. 

Classes will range from Acrylic pouring, basic drawing, painting, journal making, rug hooking, and woodcarving to Yoga.

Please check the website for days and times of groups and classes or call Tracy Burns 765-967-2492 for more information.

Just over an hour from downtown Dayton and well worth the drive!  The Whitewater Valley Arts Association, 402 Central Avenue, Connorsville, IN 47331.

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